Poems About "Life"

Starry Nights

by Bencity

Two things gladden me
The starry night above
And the fiery thrill
Of a heart in love!


by Bencity

He spits on the face of the gods;
And still they sing his songs
Our stories; tears and hurt,
Are fodder for his craft.
What we whisper in shame,
He sings his way to fame.
Many men are born,
But forgotten once...


by Bencity

Might is blatant in flight
Guile as an eagle we flow
Gracefully we glide and go
But to grow we must settle
Like an eagle’s nest on a rocky perch
Fly, fly we may,
But by dusk we perch
To rest our wings!


by Bencity

A poet once killed a man,
And all gathered to watch him hang
The sole poet, noose in neck
A death fitting for his life
Just before they hanged him
They wondered who’d tell their tales
Of their miseries and victory

Is This All?

by Bencity

When a top the world you be
Before you all of life you see
You ask just like me
Is this all there is?

When before her you stand
And see you in a future land
Questions come to mind
Could she be all there is?

I Picked Up A Star

by Bencity

On my travels up above,
I picked up a star,
Wrestled it from its place,
And dragged it down below.
It's one thing to watch stars above,
It's another to hold them in hand.
For they burn like Sulphur;
And are big like...


by Bencity

Day by day
Smiles grow wearisome
And the spark within
Fades and fades
Slowly I start to see the cold
And feel the dark!


by Bencity

I love cake and some chat
Watching the sun set like art
Singing love songs off key
Spending time with little money
Planning so much with friends –
To see the world from all ends;
These little things you see
Are all you...


by Bencity

There is a bird, on my window sill
The poor thing, has a broken wing
She can’t sing, she can’t dare fly
Look at her! Flatter, fall and fail
What would it take, to make her sail?
Will time offer her rest, and heal?
Or, have...


by Bencity

When you want someone,
Don’t be afraid to ask –
What do they want?
Or better yet –
Who do they want.


by Bencity

Knocking at my mind’s door,
Slyly you ask to come in,
Often, we sleep all night
Often, we tangle 'til dawn
Sometimes I think you make me whole
Sometimes I think you kill me
Even when I wish you away
I can’t help but...

Saturday Nights

by Bencity

Saturday nights,
Always the big fight
A fight to say no
To the known;
And yes, to the unknown!