This is Bencity

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When you sit in a glass house amidst soft rain, your mind wanders. If you are bored, you may reach out for a book and read a page or two. I am the author of such a book.

My recent content


by Bencity

When friends became kin,
I knew good things could be seen,
Through you this I’ve known-
And so much you’ve grown,
Here I remind you it’s true,
A true friend is such as you.
Many honest prayers for you
And abundant...


by Bencity

The winds of time like a housemaid,
Imperfectly gathered every careless word
Stitched them with aching precision
Behold, a coat of shame.
With a warmth as heavy as the guilt
An unholy fusion of past and present
It had...


by Bencity

When the storm gathers
And the sun is hidden from view
With cold piercing winds –
And dark omnibus shadows:
Mothers rush to take the babes in
The chickens, the goat and all
Sensible creatures take cover
As the clouds...


by Bencity

She’s in love with sunsets
And all beautiful endings
Nature is in love with her, too
Every evening these two lovers
Stare and admire each other


by Bencity

Knocking at my mind’s door,
Slyly you ask to come in,
Often, we sleep all night
Often, we tangle 'til dawn
Sometimes I think you make me whole
Sometimes I think you kill me
Even when I wish you away
I can’t help but...


by Bencity

When you want someone,
Don’t be afraid to ask –
What do they want?
Or better yet –
Who do they want.


by Bencity

Hers was usual, his, an art
Ever finding solace in a single word
Little he said, the world he meant
Learning and yearning to be heard
Only if she knew, to hear love in hello!


by Bencity

Day by day
Smiles grow wearisome
And the spark within
Fades and fades
Slowly I start to see the cold
And feel the dark!


by Bencity

A poet once killed a man,
And all gathered to watch him hang
The sole poet, noose in neck
A death fitting for his life
Just before they hanged him
They wondered who’d tell their tales
Of their miseries and victory

No Drama Without Love

by Bencity

She said she loved him
Just here for the drama
He hurriedly replied
No drama without love, said she
Have no time for one, said he
Like you and I, said she
The two together twine
Or like old age and wine
Do love and...


by Bencity

The pain goodbyes bring
For then the air thins-
and it’s a little harder to breath.
Every heartbeat stings
The tongue goes wild
All you can say is
La vida es bella!


by Bencity

What days are these?
Where the gods walk amongst us
Is it a shame to them
Or vain glory to us
When they muddle themselves
The trivialities of mere mortals!


by Bencity

“The problem is",
She once told me,
“There is no passion without possession,
We can’t love people,
The way we love the stars!”


by Bencity

And when I’m high
Like the sky
I can’t help but ponder
Is it luck
Or is this it

And when I sink
To the very depths below
Still, I ponder
Is it a phase
Or is this it?


by Bencity

There are strangers out there
Strangers who know –
The rhythms of our hearts.
Strangers who –
We shared more than just time.
And for those we are with now.
We keep them occupied
With tales of those strangers


by Bencity

Might is blatant in flight
Guile as an eagle we flow
Gracefully we glide and go
But to grow we must settle
Like an eagle’s nest on a rocky perch
Fly, fly we may,
But by dusk we perch
To rest our wings!


by Bencity

It so happens he told me
When a great fire ravages a land
Beneath the thick layers of ash
Some embers fester and burn
And with a kind wind -
A fire may yet arise


by Bencity

Like a sweet childhood song
I know you so well
But I still
Can’t get enough

Like the deep blue sea
I’ve seen you a thousand times
But you’re still
My favorite sight

Like the...


by Bencity

The longer it takes
My heart it bakes

This thing…

I see the days
I feel the nights

This thing…

As sure as the sky is blue
All my heart wants is you!

I Picked Up A Star

by Bencity

On my travels up above,
I picked up a star,
Wrestled it from its place,
And dragged it down below.
It's one thing to watch stars above,
It's another to hold them in hand.
For they burn like Sulphur;
And are big like...

Saturday Nights

by Bencity

Saturday nights,
Always the big fight
A fight to say no
To the known;
And yes, to the unknown!

Your Name

by Bencity

Standing at a cliff’s edge
Far into the sea I see
The ancient breeze drawing close
Rippling the bare sea
Gently it stings my eyes
Swooshes over me with grace
With the sound of a howling wolf-
And the scent of salt and...


by Bencity

She held on to the rose
Like you would for dear life,
She tucked in her nose,
Took in the scent and pollen.
As the rose in hand withered,
The pollen in lungs blossomed
Now her breath,
Has the scent of a rose


by Bencity

I love cake and some chat
Watching the sun set like art
Singing love songs off key
Spending time with little money
Planning so much with friends –
To see the world from all ends;
These little things you see
Are all you...

Is This All?

by Bencity

When a top the world you be
Before you all of life you see
You ask just like me
Is this all there is?

When before her you stand
And see you in a future land
Questions come to mind
Could she be all there is?

Sunday Nights

by Bencity

Stars, sky - like a seductive sea,
I swear they tickle me,
And in them I see,
Every wonder I could be!


by Bencity

He spits on the face of the gods;
And still they sing his songs
Our stories; tears and hurt,
Are fodder for his craft.
What we whisper in shame,
He sings his way to fame.
Many men are born,
But forgotten once...


by Bencity

Fresh tunes of new promises
A tiny buzz from loving smiles
And lo! The mutual melody
As hum by hum
Deeper you both fall
Until what we were
Is but an echo.
All these the wind whispers
Little whispers that break...


by Bencity

Transmute; she said
Is when one thing becomes another,
A stranger to a friend
Or a man to a father
Evening to night and so on;
Hence, I understood,
That nature moves in gradual steps
And one thing becomes the...

Starry Nights

by Bencity

Two things gladden me
The starry night above
And the fiery thrill
Of a heart in love!

The World

by Bencity

Poked me once and said –
“Sing me a song!” I said
I don’t sing so well
Poked me twice and said –
“Write me a poem!” I said
I don’t write well either
Poked me thrice and said –
“Then what can you do?”
I said darling,...


by Bencity

Light –
Just enough we see
Too little we stumble
Too much we’re blinded!


by Bencity

My Oh mine,
Every night you float into my dream
Like a blue rose petal
On a tranquil muddy pool
I reach for it but awaken!
When the day dawns,
All day I wait besides the pool,
For the blue petal that’s mine

Better Man

by Bencity

Where i would have fallen,
Now I only stumble
To the brother I would have struck
I suffice with an insult

I am yet to turn the other cheek
Or take a brother the extra mile
It may only have been yesterday
When I was...


by Bencity

Every sunrise the sunflowers open their arms
Calling, beckoning at the golden sun
Hoping the sun waves or winks back
But the sun just slides along
Too proud to care at the fragile flowers.
At sunset the moon consoles the...


by Bencity

If it doesn’t rain
I’ll come by for sure
We’ll stroll around
And write our names
On the ground!

If it rains,
We’ll wait ‘till it stops
In the muddy humid air
We’ll drift around
Like little rainbows!


by Bencity

Roll on, keep walking, dear heart,
I pray you don’t fall for those who want you not,
In their name you will fight darkness and doom
As they watch from vantage points
As you bleed, they will call you weak
Dragging you through...

Friday Nights

by Bencity

Friday nights –
The mad, bad streets,
Pacing, thinking, wishing, seeing
Cold nights, tipsy, hot blood –
Deep dives and long drives,
Strange, loud, high neighbors.
It ends on a Saturday morning
Sleepy, Saturday...


by Bencity

There is a bird, on my window sill
The poor thing, has a broken wing
She can’t sing, she can’t dare fly
Look at her! Flatter, fall and fail
What would it take, to make her sail?
Will time offer her rest, and heal?
Or, have...


by Bencity

You made that night my best,
Under the shade of a leafless tree,
We stood out among the rest,
With sweet laughs of love,
Lovingly we strolled abreast,
The world we owned and ruled.
As lips tangled here and there
The shy...


by Bencity

We are all threads
Hooked to the needle of time
Poking in and out
Stitching the fabric of our lives
There are never ends or beginnings
Only life getting bigger
Until the needle
Runs out of thread!


by Bencity

Am I jealous?
I look at you breathe;
And the way you need air
And baby, I can’t help but feel
The mild sting of jealousy

Never More

by Bencity

Isn’t it amazing,
That a burgeoning rose,
Or a magical sunset
Or a sweet song’s tune,
Or a full moon’s splendor –
Just the thought of sheer beauty:
Takes each of use –
With the certainty of a compass –
To just one...


by Bencity

He was a mountain,
A lion; but to us
A tuft of wool

He’d thrust me up
Like a flightless bird
Back to him I fell
Taught me kindness and pride
In the works of one’s hand

He knew when to lift me up
When to...

Why Write?

by Bencity

The greatest love story in the long story of human civilization is the bond of pen and paper - or, whichever media humans have used to write. I would argue nothing has had as much impact on the course of human existence as the art of writing. For...

Developer Story

by Bencity

In the vastness of time, words are the brushstrokes we use to leave our mark, and poetry is the canvas where the soul finds its voice. Take, for instance, this verse by Emily Dickinson:

    You left me Boundaries of Pain –