Poems About "Life"

I Have Brought the Sacrificial Goat

by Joy Goswami

I have brought the sacrificial goat
To the heap of grass, leaves and bark

He has forgotten his last beheading
But round his neck garland-like
hangs a mark


by Pete

The humble carpet brush 
sweeps away
cigarette ash, 
    moth scales, 
    dried tears,
and angel dust.
Better Man

by Bencity

Where i would have fallen,
Now I only stumble
To the brother I would have struck
I suffice with an insult

I am yet to turn the other cheek
Or take a brother the extra mile
It may only have been yesterday
When I was...


by Parker J. Palmer

The plow has savaged this sweet field
Misshapen clods of earth kicked up
Rocks and twisted roots exposed to view
Last year’s growth demolished by the blade.

I have plowed my life this way
Turned over a whole...

Naked Girl and Mirror

by Judith Wright

This is not I. I had no body once–
only what served my need to laugh and run
and stare at stars and tentatively dance
on the fringe of foam and wave and sand and sun.
Eyes loved, hands reached for me, but I was gone
on my own...

Last Night as I Was Sleeping

by Antonio Machado

Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt—marvelous illusion!—
that a spring was breaking
out in my heart.
I said: Along which secret aqueduct,
Oh water, are you coming to me,
water of a new life
that I have never...


by Bencity

And when I’m high
Like the sky
I can’t help but ponder
Is it luck
Or is this it

And when I sink
To the very depths below
Still, I ponder
Is it a phase
Or is this it?


by Bencity

We are all threads
Hooked to the needle of time
Poking in and out
Stitching the fabric of our lives
There are never ends or beginnings
Only life getting bigger
Until the needle
Runs out of thread!


by Bencity

When the storm gathers
And the sun is hidden from view
With cold piercing winds –
And dark omnibus shadows:
Mothers rush to take the babes in
The chickens, the goat and all
Sensible creatures take cover
As the clouds...


by Bencity

She’s in love with sunsets
And all beautiful endings
Nature is in love with her, too
Every evening these two lovers
Stare and admire each other


by Bencity

Every sunrise the sunflowers open their arms
Calling, beckoning at the golden sun
Hoping the sun waves or winks back
But the sun just slides along
Too proud to care at the fragile flowers.
At sunset the moon consoles the...


by Bencity

There are strangers out there
Strangers who know –
The rhythms of our hearts.
Strangers who –
We shared more than just time.
And for those we are with now.
We keep them occupied
With tales of those strangers