The greatest love story in the long story of human civilization is the bond of pen and paper - or, whichever media humans have used to write. I would argue nothing has had as much impact on the course of human existence as the art of writing. For something so ubiquitous, one would think, the question of why we write would be an easy one to answer. Anyone who has written, or indulged their thoughts to find out why we write will tell you it is anything but.
Why we write is a question that has perplexed and intrigued me a lot. To be fair, I do not consider myself a prolific writer. However, we are not speaking of volume but of the courage it takes to write. So why do we write? We write because writing is an act of creation through which we can will into existence people, thoughts, and ideas that flatter within our minds. Writing is a bold attempt to stretch our importance and leave our footsteps on the sands of time. We write because through writing we can capture the fleeting thoughts that cross our minds or immortalize the emotions that torment us within. We write because expression consummates our existence and extends our tentacles allowing for shared existence.
Why then, write poetry? Poetry in a sense, is a cunning enterprise. While writing is meant to open up the writer to the reader, poetry shies away from blatant revelation. It’s an oasis of privacy in the desert of expression. Poetry reveals something that the writer does not want to say. Poets write because they must, not because they want to. Given a choice, they probably would not write. There are often plenty of similarities between the confessional booth and the art of writing poetry. In both, one must say what they must. It takes courage to write poetry because very often the art of writing swings open the doors of one’s soul and hangs them out to dry in the marketplace.
This website is a labor of love. It is with great love that we created this site as a gallery of our thoughts. Herein are receipts of emotions we felt or imagined, pain we observed or persevered, moments we seek to immortalize, joys, lessons, and a plethora of our life experiences. Read them with keenness and curiosity – but always with a touch of humanity. Walk on these paths carefully for they all lead to the author's soul. As you traverse these paths, appreciate the beauty and the imperfections but be mindful of the fragile flowers and the lawns of grass. Do not pluck any flower – unless you are taking it to your beloved!